

It's a piece of deployment software. Spinnaker is a free and open-source  continuous delivery software platform originally developed by Netflix and extended by Google.[2] It is designed to work with Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform, AWS, Microsoft Azure and Oracle Cloud.
Spinnaker is not a build tool.
Build tools are commonly known as programs that automate the process of building an executable application from source code. This building process includes activities like compiling, linking and packaging the code into an executable form.eg.. Ant,Maven,Docker etc. Build tools automates the process of building an executable. This gives each developer the ability to build and run software on their machine. A build tool can automate the process of downloading and managing dependencies for you. ... Build tool will ensure correct versions are used.
Git and Gradle are both open source tools.
Spinnaker Vs Jenkins

Many organizations are using a combination of Jenkins and a tool like Ansible, Puppet, Chef, or Salt to automate their CI/CD pipelines but find themselves having to do many steps manually or using a series of scripts that can be hard to maintain. Many organizations manually move software from Development to Staging to Production with time-consuming manual processes.
Spinnaker can fully automate these processes. Spinnaker can fully integrate with standard CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, SonarQube, and Artifactory but add a layer of automation to automate software deployments to Development, Staging, and Production, eliminating many manual steps.
Jenkins X provides developers a better way to automate their CI/CD process for Kubernetes than Jenkins alone but still lacks the Spinnaker deployment model’s capabilities.
Jenkins is for Continuous Integration.Jenkins was never designed for cloud deployment Spinnaker is for Continuous Deployment
Jenkins is currently the most popular Continuous Integration Tool. It has an extensive community with a large catalog of plugins available. However, it is not ideal for continuous delivery because -
To create deployment workflow, stages, and deployment strategies developer needs to write scripts and also maintain those scripts. 
Spinnaker was never intended to be a build tool.So, Spinnaker still relies on a build server and must integrate with tools like Jenkins.Spinnaker takes advantage of existing build tools like Jenkins to start jobs and monitor their progress and results. Spinnaker can make the deployment phase much more flexible.
Spinnaker cannot replace Jenkins as a CI tool, but Spinnaker can make the deployment to the cloud process much more straightforward. Even Jenkins being originally a Continuous Integration solution, and as a Continuous Deployment solution as well, but Spinnaker brought to us a more focused approach allowing us to spend less time by creating and managing pipelines. While on Jenkins we need to install dozens of plugin to achieve our goals, Spinnaker has all what we need out of the box.

Spinnaker Vs Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source container cluster manager. Spinnaker is an open source continuous delivery platform with a range of cluster management and deployment management features, originally developed at Netflix.
Spinnaker listens for a new image in the container registry and triggers the delivery pipeline for deployment. The Spinnaker pipeline creates the necessary configurations (application configs, instances, scaling, etc.) and deploys the container in a target Kubernetes cluster after manual review. A Spinnaker Instance maps to a Kubernetes Pod . What differentiates this from other Cloud Providers is the ability for Pods to run multiple containers at once, whereas typical IAAS providers in Spinnaker run exactly one image per Instance.