SonarLint is a SonarQube plugin which helps to easily integrate SonarQube with any IDE without any
need to download & install the whole Sonar software.
It offers reports on duplicate code,unit test,code complexity,code coverage, comments, bugs,any security
vulnerability.It can track all the repositories at a common place & a profile[which r like some
specific rule or coding standard to be followed] is set in sonar.Based on that profile our code
quality is monitored. & vulnerabilities r identified.
SonarQube is different from SonarLint as
SonarQube is a server where you can receive your plans and perform code analysis,
whereas SonarLint is a tool that enables us to relate with SonarQube and perform the
analysis remotely. SonarLint can be practiced with IDE or can also be done via CLI instructions.